Fragmentation: between expansion packs and episodic video games


  • Matteo Genovesi


seriality, dlc, digital distribution


The contemporary video game market is more and more crowded with titles that are expanded by digital contents that can be downloaded for free or payment: from annexing additional costumes to the characters, to implementing large portions of narrative, today expansion packs represent a phenomenon potentially and concretely capable of redefining the lifespan of each video game initially sold as a standalone creation, to then prove to be partial when new contents are released. This essay will try to group the variety of these digital contents into two essential sets, and then it will try to understand if the video games expanded by future downloadable contents can be included among the canons of serial gaming, now explicitly represented by the advent of episodic video games.





@Conference{digra940, title ="Fragmentation: between expansion packs and episodic video games", year = "2018", author = "Genovesi, Matteo", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Proceedings of DiGRA 2018 Conference: The Game is the Message"}