A Playful Tinder-Like Interface for Search and Rescue


  • Mark Lochrie
  • Paul Egglestone
  • Andrew Heaton
  • Onno Baudouin
  • Adrian Gradinar


playful, tinder, civic engagement, drone, interface, image tagging


Over the last few years, we have witnessed the rise in gamified interfaces from the use of gamification (e.g. points and leaderboards) to more general playful interactions. With more people connected to the Internet and ownership of mobile devices at its highest point, services need to constant evolving for this agile market. Playful and gameful interfaces form the foundations for many services, from dating apps to communication platforms. The project presented in this paper explores the use of co-designing a micro- volunteering playful interaction in an image recognition task to sort and classify photos in search and rescue scenarios.





@Conference{digra903, title ="A Playful Tinder-Like Interface for Search and Rescue", year = "2016", author = "Lochrie, Mark and Egglestone, Paul and Heaton, Andrew and Baudouin, Onno and Gradinar, Adrian", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{https://dl.digra.org/index.php/dl/article/view/903}", booktitle = "Abstract Proceedings of DiGRA/FDG 2016 Conference"}