Creating Stealth Game Interventions for Attitude and Behavior Change: An “Embedded Design” Model


  • Geoff Kaufman
  • Mary Flanagan
  • Max Seidman


persuasive games, attitude change, behavior change, embedding, game design


Persuasive games tackling serious issues in a literal, explicit fashion are far less likely to succeed in changing attitudes or behaviors than are games that take the more “stealthy” approach of embedding persuasive messages within a game’s content or context. The “Embedded Design” model, which we introduce here, offers novel, evidence-based strategies for including persuasive content in a game in a fashion that circumvents players’ psychological defenses, triggers a more receptive mindset for internalizing a game’s intended message, and does so without sacrificing players’ enjoyment or the game’s replayability. Such techniques promise to revolutionize the ways that game developers tackle serious issues in games. Three original “embedding” strategies are presented: (1) Intermixing: balancing “on-message” and “off-message” content to render the former less overt or threatening; (2) Obfuscating: using framing devices or genres that divert expectations or focus away from the game’s persuasive intent; and (3) Distancing: employing fiction and metaphor to increase the psychological gap between players’ identities and beliefs and the game’s characters and persuasive content.





@Conference{digra720, title ="Creating Stealth Game Interventions for Attitude and Behavior Change: An “Embedded Design” Model", year = "2015", author = "Kaufman, Geoff and Flanagan, Mary and Seidman, Max", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Proceedings of DiGRA 2015 Conference"}