Suit The System To The Player: A Methodology for Physical Creativity


  • Jane Friedhoff


game design, physical creativity, embodied play, coliberation


The PS Move, Kinect, and Wii tout their technological capabilities as evidence that they can best support intuitive, creative movements. However, games for these systems tend to use their technology to hold the player to higher standards of conformity. This style of game design can result in the player being made to 'fit' the game, rather than the other way around. It is worthwhile to explore alternatives for exertion games, as they can encourage exploration of long-dormant physical creativity in adults and potentially create coliberative experiences around the transgression of social norms. This paper synthesizes a methodology including generative outputs, multiple and simultaneous forms of exertion, minimized player tracking, irreverent metaphors, and play with social norms in order to promote. Scream 'Em Up tests this methodology and provides direction for future research.





@Conference{digra685, title ="Suit The System To The Player: A Methodology for Physical Creativity", year = "2014", author = "Friedhoff, Jane", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Proceedings of DiGRA 2013 Conference"}