The gaming landscape: a taxonomy for classifying games and simulations


  • Jan H.G. Klabbers


actors, rules, resources, faces of knowledge, interaction


Following Huizinga’s view, the play element of culture is emphasized. While playing, by means of rules, the par- ticipants in a game interact with one another to impact on the reference system. Thousands of simulation games are available that depict many different areas and pur- poses of use. The variety of the gaming landscape is illustrated by linking the various foci and areas of interest in one scheme. To see the wood for the trees, the generic model of games is presented, based on the three interconnected building blocks: actors, rules, and resources. I will point out that even if games have sim- ilar forms, their purpose, subject matter, content, con- text of use, and intended audience(s), may be very dif- ferent. A framework for constructing, deconstructing and classifying games emerges, based on the combination of the three building blocks with elements of a semiotic the- ory of gaming: syntax, semantics and pragmatics.





@Conference{digra61, title ="The gaming landscape: a taxonomy for classifying games and simulations", year = "2003", author = "Klabbers, Jan H.G.", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Proceedings of DiGRA 2003 Conference: Level Up"}