Of discs, boxes and cartridges: the material life of digital games


  • Saara Toivonen
  • Olli Sotamaa


game culture, physical copies, digital distribution, material culture, domestication


So far the field of game studies has mostly bypassed the everyday meanings attached to the material manifestations of digital games. Based on qualitative survey data, this article examines what kind of personal and collective values are attached to the physical copies of games, including the storage medium and packaging. The results show how materiality resonates with the reliability and unambiguity of ownership. Furthermore, games as physical objects can have a key role in the project of creating a home, receiving their meaning as part of a wider technological and popular cultural meaning structure. Finally, collecting associates games with more general issues of identity, sociability and history. Through storing and organising games and having them on display, gamers position themselves as part of game culture, gather subcultural capital and ensure the possibility for nostalgia.





@Conference{digra549, title ="Of discs, boxes and cartridges: the material life of digital games", year = "2011", author = "Toivonen, Saara and Sotamaa, Olli", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{https://dl.digra.org/index.php/dl/article/view/549}", booktitle = "Proceedings of DiGRA 2011 Conference: Think Design Play"}