Adolescent thinking and online writing after the use of commercial games in the classroom


  • Pilar Lacasa
  • Rut Martínez
  • Castillo Héctor del


commercial video games, social networks, adolescents’ thinking, spore, new literacies


This study focuses on the connections between young people’s everyday experiences with video games and social networks, and the formal high school curriculum. We assume that digital literacy combines elements of traditional literacy and media education with other dimensions founded on the idea of a participatory culture. The research has been designed from an ethnographic point of view. It has been carried out in a secondary school environment. The main dimensions of the study were the following: participants, 18 boys and girls, the teacher and the research team; the school and, the activities which were organized around the video game, Spore. Our data are discussed taking into account some of Diana Kuhn’s (2005) contributions when raising the issue of education for thought. Intellectual skills related to scientific knowledge must be referred to abilities of inquiry and argumentation both of which are carried out in a social context and associated to contextual values.





@Conference{digra531, title ="Adolescent thinking and online writing after the use of commercial games in the classroom", year = "2011", author = "Lacasa, Pilar and Martínez, Rut and del, Castillo Héctor", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Proceedings of DiGRA 2011 Conference: Think Design Play"}