Serious Beats: Transdisciplinary research methodologies for designing and evaluating a socially integrative serious music-based online game


  • Fares Kayali
  • Vera Schwarz
  • Gerit Götzenbrucker
  • Jürgen Pfeffer
  • Barbara Franz
  • Peter Purgathofer


serious games, music-based games, social games, methodology, game design, social


Recent studies show that the second generation of migrants is not adequately integrated into mainstream society but tends to segregate into secluded segments. ‘Internet Use and Friendship Structures of young migrants in Vienna: a Question of Diversity within Social Networks and Online Social Games’1 is a transdisciplinary2 research project with the objective to create a serious music-based online social game, which firstly is intended to be a positive impact game with the purpose of furthering integration and encouraging the manifestation of meaningful multiethnic relations. Secondly, the game shall make social interaction observable for evaluation. This paper gives an overview of which methodological approaches can be combined in the phases of the game’s design process and shows how the mutual embedding of game design researchers and social scientists works in this context.





@Conference{digra530, title ="Serious Beats: Transdisciplinary research methodologies for designing and evaluating a socially integrative serious music-based online game", year = "2011", author = "Kayali, Fares and Schwarz, Vera and Götzenbrucker, Gerit and Pfeffer, Jürgen and Franz, Barbara and Purgathofer, Peter", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Proceedings of DiGRA 2011 Conference: Think Design Play"}