Leadership Style in World of Warcraft Raid Guilds


  • Patrick Prax


leadership, mmorpg, world of warcraft, guild, virtual


This study shows how guild leaders in World of Warcraft (WOW) and leaders of real life organizations compare in terms of leadership style. This comparison is used to shed some light on leadership in Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs). 12 interviews were conducted, six with leaders of successful WOW raiding guilds and six with leaders of various real life organizations. The Leadership Grid was used to analyze and compare the different leadership styles. The leadership style of the guild leaders can be described as “Janus-faced”. It uses both “County-Club Management” putting human needs first and “Authority-Compliance Management” focusing on efficiency and results depending on the situation. To secure the success of the raid a leadership style with focus on results is used during the actual raid. During the every-day life, outside of the actual raid, a leadership style concerned about human needs is chosen to be able to solve social problems and build strong social relationships using only digital media for communication.





@Conference{digra506, title ="Leadership Style in World of Warcraft Raid Guilds", year = "2010", author = "Prax, Patrick", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{https://dl.digra.org/index.php/dl/article/view/506}", booktitle = "Proceedings of Nordic DiGRA 2010 Conference: Experiencing Games: Games, Play, and Players"}