And Justice for All – the 10 commandments of Online Games, and then some…


  • Magnus Johansson
  • Harko Verhagen


clans, guilds, rules, mmogs, fps


As part of our research project on the social aspects of gaming and more in particular the structuring of behavior in online multiplayer games using norms and rules, we present an overview of the type of rules used by clans and guilds in both MMOGs and FPS games. Not surprisingly, both genre and player motivation play a role in the selection and creation of rules. We also note that one of the types of behavior addressed in many rules, griefing, needs a more sophisticated analysis than used in previous game research. We conclude by presenting a set of “game commandments” that summarize the rule sets analyzed.





@Conference{digra505, title ="And Justice for All – the 10 commandments of Online Games, and then some…", year = "2010", author = "Johansson, Magnus and Verhagen, Harko", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Proceedings of Nordic DiGRA 2010 Conference: Experiencing Games: Games, Play, and Players"}