Exploring clan culture: social enclaves and cooperation in online games


  • Holin Lin
  • Chuen-Tsai Sun
  • Hong-Hong Tinn


online game, mmorpg, clan, cooperation, network


Virtual online gaming clan organizations are used to ana- lyze social grouping and cooperation within competitive gaming communities. Participants from two popular massive multi-player online role-playing games (MMORPGs) in Taiwan were interviewed to collect data on the social dynamics of gamer networks in virtual worlds. Our essential argu- ment is that joining online clans involves costs and risks, yet the “law-of-the-jungle” nature of the gaming world and the interdependent role structure of most game designs encourage the formation of gaming groups. Players commonly establish clans consisting of individuals from their off-line networks in order to reduce the risk of cooperating with strangers. A typical portrait of careless and vulnerable teenage gamers is found unsound.





@Conference{digra49, title ="Exploring clan culture: social enclaves and cooperation in online games", year = "2003", author = "Lin, Holin and Sun, Chuen-Tsai and Tinn, Hong-Hong", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{https://dl.digra.org/index.php/dl/article/view/49}", booktitle = "Proceedings of DiGRA 2003 Conference: Level Up"}