The Cheating Assemblage in MMORPGs: Toward a sociotechnical description of cheating


  • Stefano De Paoli
  • Aphra Kerr


cheating, mmorpgs, assemblage theory, sociotechnical


This paper theoretically and empirically explores cheating in MMORPGs. This paper conceptualises cheating in MMORPGs as a sociotechnical practice which draws upon a non-linear assemblage of human actors and non-human artefacts, in which the practice of cheating is the result or the outcome of an assemblage. We draw upon the assemblage conceptualizations proposed in [16] and [8] and on empirical data taken from a pilot study we have conducted during the period September-November 2008 and from an ethnography we are conducting in the MMORPG Tibia ( since January 2009. This game in particular was chosen because CipSoft, the company that develops the game, launched an anti- cheating campaign at the beginning of 2009.





@Conference{digra414, title ="The Cheating Assemblage in MMORPGs: Toward a sociotechnical description of cheating", year = "2009", author = "Paoli, Stefano De and Kerr, Aphra", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Proceedings of DiGRA 2009 Conference: Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory"}