All The World’s A Botfighter Stage: Notes on Location-based Multi-User Gaming


  • Olli Sotamaa


location-based gaming, mobile gaming, pervasive gaming, nature of mobility, ethics of


This paper investigates some aspects of how location-based game concepts are challenging the traditions of gaming. The initial hypothesis is that location-based gaming that utilizes city space as a game board seem to be in confl ict with the classical defi nitions of ‘play’ and ‘game’. The nature of pervasive gaming is investigated in relation to different levels of mobile use and the social construction of urban space. The routines attached to mobile phones are mainly connected to interpersonal communication but also include certain ‘play with location’. Therefore a mobile phone, regardless of its interface limitations, suits quite well the location-based multi-user approach. I also argue that playing in familiar real world locations brings new nuances and meanings to these places. On the other hand some elements of real life can take part in shaping the entire gaming experience.





@Conference{digra25, title ="All The World’s A Botfighter Stage: Notes on Location-based Multi-User Gaming", year = "2002", author = "Sotamaa, Olli", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Computer Games and Digital Cultures Conference Proceedings"}