Playing Animal Farm: Designing a Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] One-Shot for Pivotal Play and Learning


  • Premeet Sidhu



Dungeons & Dragons, Dnd, TTRPG, Animal Farm, Pivotal Play, Games for Learning, Game Design


Contemporary research and discourse exploring intersections of games and learning leans towards the design and experiences of digital games. Despite their growing popularity in recent years, investigation of non-digital games and learning remains limited in comparison. This paper describes the game design process and presents a key finding from early playtest data of All Players Are Equal—a Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] (Arneson and Gygax 1974) one-shot experience inspired by George Orwell’s novel Animal Farm (1945). The game leverages mechanics such as agency, transgression, and death—which are also key themes represented in the novel—to facilitate a shared pivotal play and learning experience. By discussing key design choices and reflections from initial playtests (12 participants total, 7M, 5F, aged 18- 40), this paper offers insight into how opportunities for pivotal play and learning may be created or enhanced within games.





@Conference{digra1941, title ="Playing Animal Farm: Designing a Dungeons & Dragons [D&D] One-Shot for Pivotal Play and Learning", year = "2023", author = "Sidhu, Premeet", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Conference Proceedings of DiGRA 2023 Conference: Limits and Margins of Games Settings"}