Game space topology revisited: A review of labyrinthine terminology


  • Frederik Bakkerud


spatiality, topology, metaphors, representation, perspective, teleology, sequentiality


This paper addresses the concept of game space topology – the arrangement of space in games – with regard to the established literature’s dependence on spatial metaphors such as labyrinths or mazes. I argue that despite their prevalence in humanistic game studies, these metaphors widely conflate space topologies with aspects of representation, perspective, teleology, and sequentiality. One can rarely tell what specific aspects of the game are addressed by research on this subject. Indeed, labyrinths are ambiguous and highly connotative words, and as such they are unproductive for the classification of game space topology. This paper intends to facilitate more rigorous research on the subject, starting by building on clearly delineated elements of the game world.





@Conference{digra1335, title ="Game space topology revisited: A review of labyrinthine terminology", year = "2022", author = "Bakkerud, Frederik", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Proceedings of DiGRA 2022 Conference: Bringing Worlds Together"}