An Exploitation Ecosystem Model for Fan-based Labour in the Games Industry


  • Chris McCutcheon
  • Michael Hitchens
  • Mitchell McEwan


exploitation, modern slavery, theoretical model, fan labour


This paper will introduce the Exploitation Ecosystem (ExEc) model, which is based upon the foundational work of Dyer-Witheford and de Peuter (2006), Crane (2013), and Barrientos et al. (2013). The ExEc model organises and synthesizes research in slavery, exploitation, and precarious work into a more focused structure that can be applied to understanding exploitation in affluent modern economies. The model re-categorises the work of previous researchers and integrates them in a holistic approach, represented across two layers in the proposed model. The basic architecture of the model is introduced, revealing three aspects to exploitation: organisational, societal and individual, and is illustrated via examples. The ExEc model is particularly relevant to domains that rely heavily on fan passion and third-party content creators for their success, such as the games industry.





@Conference{digra1313, title ="An Exploitation Ecosystem Model for Fan-based Labour in the Games Industry", year = "2022", author = "McCutcheon, Chris and Hitchens, Michael and McEwan, Mitchell", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Proceedings of DiGRA 2022 Conference: Bringing Worlds Together"}