Design Bleed: A Standpoint Methodology for Game Design


  • Ida Toft
  • Sabine Harrer


game design, game jams, hegemony of play, design bleed, live-action role playing


In this paper we develop the concept of design bleed, a standpoint approach to game design. We adopt the terminology of bleed from the Nordic community around live- action role-playing games and use it as a lens on game development. Based on our own experiences in developing two game jam games, Lovebirds and Get Your Rocks On, we identify four ‘ingredients’ for bleed-inspired game design. We develop design bleed as a community affirming design practice which can be used as a tool for carving out shared standpoints. We suggest that this is particularly productive for game designers at the margins, as it has potential to be creatively and emotionally healing but can also invite expressions for political resistance to normative game culture.





@Conference{digra1278, title ="Design Bleed: A Standpoint Methodology for Game Design", year = "2020", author = "Toft, Ida and Harrer, Sabine", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Proceedings of DiGRA 2020 Conference: Play Everywhere"}