Patreon and Porn Games: Crowdfunding Games, Reward Categories and Backstage Passes


  • Petri Lankoski
  • Mikolaj Dymek


patreon, pornography, porgraphic games, crowdfunding, rewards


Patreon is a crowdfunding platform where pornographic games are funded; even the most successful game developer in terms of the number of members is developing a pornographic game. We looked at 42 developers and their Patreon pages in order to examine the effects of the Patreon crowdfunding model on videogame development. Especially we studied membership rewards. As a result, developers were not only selling the game, but rewards we much about Community, Influence, and Recognition. Regulating Content Access is used regularly but often the latest version of the game is made available to everybody, just later to the members funding the development. We propose that certain rewards are similar to backstage passes in the music business and suggest that Patron pornographic games funding deviates from the crowdfunding model is not following mainly product-oriented commodity logic but a more community-oriented concept.





@Conference{digra1268, title ="Patreon and Porn Games: Crowdfunding Games, Reward Categories and Backstage Passes", year = "2020", author = "Lankoski, Petri and Dymek, Mikolaj", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Proceedings of DiGRA 2020 Conference: Play Everywhere"}