Toys Traveling through Geocaching: Mobile, Social and Hybrid Values of Play


  • Pirita Ihamäki
  • Katriina Heljakka


game play, geocaching, toy mobility, toy tourism, travel bugs, social play


This study explores emerging play patterns around the object-based but technologically-enhanced practices of toy tourism. This popular type of toy play featuring game-like elements entails movement across platforms: physical spaces and digital environments. Through a case study that explored toys traveling as Travel Bugs in the context of geocaching, the aim of this paper is to clarify the creative, game- oriented play and perceived value of practitioners of toy tourism. Our study consisted of 66 survey responses from geocachers traveling with Travel Bugs all over the world and enabled us to gain a detailed understanding of the experienced values related to traveling toys in the context of geocaching. As a result, we present a conceptual framework in which the relations between the mobile, social and hybrid dimensions of the play value of toy tourism are modelled.





@Conference{digra1161, title ="Toys Traveling through Geocaching: Mobile, Social and Hybrid Values of Play", year = "2020", author = "Ihamäki, Pirita and Heljakka, Katriina", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Proceedings of DiGRA 2020 Conference: Play Everywhere"}