Building a Gamer: Player Preferences and Motivations Across Gender and Genre


  • Christine Tomlinson


gender, preferences, motivations


Most aspects of life involve gender gaps in terms of entrance, experience, and outcome. Video games have largely not been an exception to this, but more recent studies are finding that factors other than gender may be more powerful as predictors for similarity or difference among players. This study uses interviews with 54 current adult video game players and analyses of online forum discussions to better understand player experiences, motivations, and preferences. Ultimately, players are much more similar than older studies would lead one to believe. The majority of players enter gaming at the same time through similar paths and they identify the same motivating factors consistently in terms of why they play. However, while players note that they are motivated by opportunities to relax, participate in a compelling story, and overcome challenges, female players do diverge from male players in that their idea of relaxation is much less social.





@Conference{digra1091, title ="Building a Gamer: Player Preferences and Motivations Across Gender and Genre", year = "2019", author = "Tomlinson, Christine", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Proceedings of DiGRA 2019 Conference: Game, Play and the Emerging Ludo-Mix"}