Playful Play with Games: Linking Level Editing to Learning in Art and Design


  • Maia Engeli


first person shooter games, game modding, level editing, meaningful play, learning, design, art


The title ‘Playful Play with Games’ refers to the possibility of creative involvement with games by altering their structure in a playful way. The focus of this paper is on modifying the first person shooter game Unreal Tournament as a learning process. Modifying the game means to become a creator or writer in addition to a reader and player, but nonetheless with a playful attitude and a good understanding of the game at hand. Understanding the game involves an understanding of the different levels of meaning of the game. Three levels of meaning produced in and around games can be distinguished: Meaningful play, meaning beyond play, and creatively added meaning. Five examples from courses to media management, architecture, and media art students as well as a group of activists illustrate the design of courses that are based on level editing.





@Conference{digra109, title ="Playful Play with Games: Linking Level Editing to Learning in Art and Design", year = "2005", author = "Engeli, Maia", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Proceedings of DiGRA 2005 Conference: Changing Views: Worlds in Play"}