Beyond Procedurality: Situating The Witness in the Proceduralism Debate


  • Ryan C. Wright


proceduralism, play-centrism, game analysis, practice theory, the witness


This paper posits a comparative analysis between two views of ludic meaning in game studies. The same two puzzles from Thekla, Inc.’s 2016 puzzle adventure game The Witness are interpreted first from a proceduralist perspective and then are re- interpreted from a play-centric perspective derived from a combination of practice theory and game scholar Miguel Sicart’s formulation of play. The purpose of this analysis is to demonstrate how a game otherwise well-suited to proceduralist readings might be more completely understood from such a play-centric perspective and presents this experimental method of analysis by example.





@Conference{digra1089, title ="Beyond Procedurality: Situating The Witness in the Proceduralism Debate", year = "2019", author = "Wright, Ryan C.", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Proceedings of DiGRA 2019 Conference: Game, Play and the Emerging Ludo-Mix"}