GameNet and GameSage: Videogame Discovery as Design Insight


  • James Ryan
  • Eric Kaltman
  • Timothy Hong
  • Katherine Isbister
  • Michael Mateas
  • Noah Wardrip-Fruin


videogame discovery, exploratory search, visualization, design support, tools, nlp


The immense proliferation of videogames over the course of recent decades has yielded a discoverability problem that has largely been unaddressed. Though this problem affects all videogame stakeholders, we limit our concerns herein to the particular context of game designers seeking prior work that could inform their own ideas or works in progress. Specif- ically, we present a tool suite that solicits text about a user’s idea for a game to generate an explorable listing of the existing games most related to that abstract idea. From a study in which 182 game-design students used these tools to find games related to their own, we observe a demonstrated utility exceeding that of the current state of the art, which is the coordinated usage of assorted web resources. More broadly, this paper provides the first articulation of videogame discovery as an emerging application area.





@Conference{digra760, title ="GameNet and GameSage: Videogame Discovery as Design Insight", year = "2016", author = "Ryan, James and Kaltman, Eric and Hong, Timothy and Isbister, Katherine and Mateas, Michael and Wardrip-Fruin, Noah", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{}", booktitle = "Proceedings of DiGRA/FDG 2016 Conference"}