Understanding Content Creation: An Exploration of the Social, Technical, and Professional Elements of Video Game Content Creation


  • Thomas Byers
  • Bjørn Nansen


content creation, precarity, agency, parasocial relationships, labour, video games


Video games act as digital playgrounds in which players can build social networks, interact with technological systems, and develop both hobbies and professional skills. This exploratory study inspects the reflections of eight video game content creators to understand how engagement with video game spaces and communities develops an understanding of the social, technical, and professional elements of content creation. Data was collected via semi-structured interviews from a broad range of creation roles (game journalism, modding, audio creation, physical merchandise production, etc.) with thematic analysis used to identify shared topics of significance from social risks to competitive industry. Findings reflect the unique social and technical skills developed through creation and the challenges presented by platforms, video game stakeholders, audiences, competitors, and their own aptitude when approaching audience-focused, platform-dependent labour.





@Conference{digra2240, title ="Understanding Content Creation: An Exploration of the Social, Technical, and Professional Elements of Video Game Content Creation", year = "2024", author = "Byers, Thomas and Nansen, Bjørn", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{https://dl.digra.org/index.php/dl/article/view/2240}", booktitle = " Conference Proceedings of DiGRA 2024 Conference: Playgrounds"}