Facilitating Collegiate Esports: Limiting and Legitimizing Competitive Gaming


  • Maxwell Foxman
  • Onder Can
  • Andrew Wilson
  • Amanda Cote
  • Brandon C. Harris
  • Md Waseq Ur Rahman
  • Jared Hansen
  • Tara Fickle


Collegiate esports, esports, facilities, infrastructure, in-depth interviews


The global phenomenon of esports (or competitive gaming) unquestionably continues to grow. However, spaces, facilities and infrastructure remain understudied. Using U.S. collegiate esports as a microcosm of the broader industry, our work addresses perceptions of facilities, equipment, and infrastructure through in-depth interviews with teams, administrators and game makers in order to demonstrate how material conditions meaningfully limit expectations of what constitutes competitive play. We find that while administrators and players legitimize gameplay through their official facilities, the ad-hoc historical foundations of collegiate and professional esports push against institutional desires. This research therefore begins to reveal a picture of collegiate esports facilities that are still highly reliant on gaming norms and social capital, rather than trying to challenge the limits of competitive digital play.





@Conference{digra1993, title ="Facilitating Collegiate Esports: Limiting and Legitimizing Competitive Gaming", year = "2023", author = "Foxman, Maxwell and Can, Onder and Wilson, Andrew and Cote, Amanda and C. Harris, Brandon and Waseq Ur Rahman, Md and Hansen, Jared and Fickle, Tara", publisher = "DiGRA", address = "Tampere", howpublished = "\url{https://dl.digra.org/index.php/dl/article/view/1993}", booktitle = "Abstract Proceedings of DiGRA 2023 Conference: Limits and Margins of Games"}